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September 19, 2024

Today in 1999
A 20-month illegal lockout of 2,900 Steelworkers members at Kaiser Aluminum plants in three states ends when an arbitrator orders a new contract. ~ Labor Tribune

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Generations of Workers Coveted Boeing Jobs. Strike Reveals How Much Has Changed.
Updated On: Sep 17, 2024
Sept. 17, 2024 | STRIKES | […] Many of the 33,000 workers who went on strike last week after rejecting the company’s four-year contract offer said [the] sense of shared prosperity has all but evaporated in the past two decades. Company managers, focused on financial performance, won costly concessions from the union including ending traditional pensions and wage increases that have not kept pace with inflation. At the same time, the Puget Sound region experienced a tech boom that has sent housing costs skyrocketing. Reeling from the blows, bitter Boeing employees say they have been left behind even as executives claimed huge pay packages. The Washington Post
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