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September 12, 2024

Today in 2001
More than 3,000 people died when suicide hijackers crashed planes into the World Trade Center towers, the Pentagon and a Pennsylvania field. Among the dead in New York were 634 union members, the majority of them New York City firefighters and police on the scene when the towers fell.

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17,000 AT&T Workers Strike in 9 States Over Contract Talks
Posted On: Aug 19, 2024
Aug. 19, 2024 | STRIKESMore than 17,000 AT&T workers across the Southeast are on strike after accusing company management of “unfair labor practices” during recent contract negotiations. A statement released Friday by the Communications Workers of America (CWA) — the union representing the striking employees — said AT&T did not bargain in good faith and sent negotiators who didn’t have any authority to make decisions. The striking workers include technicians, customer service representatives and AT&T wire installation workers [in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee]. In a statement to NPR on Saturday, AT&T denied the company was breaking any labor laws and said it’s eager to negotiate a new contract.
Teamsters Local 355
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