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September 10, 2024

Today in 1897
In Pennsylvania, Polish, Lithuanian and Slovak miners are gunned down by the Lattimer Mine’s sheriff deputies — 19 dead, more than 50 wounded — during a peaceful march from Hazelton to Lattimer. Some 3,000 were marching for collective bargaining and civil liberty. The shooters were tried for murder but the jury failed to convict.
~ Labor Tribune

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UAW Files Federal Labor Charges Against Trump, Musk
Posted On: Aug 13, 2024
Aug. 13, 2024 | WORKERS’ RIGHTS | The United Auto Workers filed federal labor charges against former president Donald Trump and businessman Elon Musk after a high-profile conversation Monday evening on Musk’s social media platform X, the union said Tuesday. The charges of unfair labor practices that the autoworkers union filed with the National Labor Relations Board allege that, during their conversation, Trump and Musk illegally threatened and intimidated workers who engage in protected labor activity, such as strikes. …Musk posted on X in response to the UAW’s charges Tuesday, “the last two UAW presidents went to prison for bribery & corruption and, based on recent news, it looks like this guy will join them!” The Washington Post
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