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September 07, 2024

Today in 1896
One of the worst disasters in the history of U.S. anthracite mining occurred at the Avondale Mine, near Scranton, Pa., when a fire originating from a furnace at the bottom of a 237-foot shaft roared up the shaft, killing 110 miners.
~ Labor Tribune

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Public Officials Should Use Their Bully Pulpit to Support Worker Unionizing and Bargaining
Posted On: Jul 26, 2024
July 26, 2024 | WORKERS' RIGHTS | Americans’ support for unions is surging. Increasing numbers of workers are fighting to unionize and negotiate fair contracts, and Americans are heavily siding with workers during labor disputes.1 In response, a growing number of public officials are vociferously supporting workers in organizing fights and pushing back against aggressive anti-union rhetoric used by corporations and anti-worker politicians. By using the bully pulpit—a public official’s ability to gain attention and sway key actors through public speech and private convenings because of their prominent position… Center for American Progress
Teamsters Local 355
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